Forest Conservation through Efficient Cookstoves in the Himalayas


Carbon Avoidance

Clean Drinking Water and Efficient Cookstoves

The project in the Garo Hills in India replaces traditional stoves with more efficient cookstoves that require 50-60% less fuel wood to cook and thus reduce CO₂ emissions as well as the rate of deforestation. Furthermore, the need for less fuel saves valuable time collecting firewood.

Forest Conservation through Efficient Cookstoves in the Himalayas

The Garo people in North-Eastern India still extensively use inefficient open stoves for cooking. Since these open stoves not only consume a lot of wood but are also very smoky, they can cause respiratory illnesses and ischemic heart diseases.

This project replaces the old inefficient stoves with more efficient cookstoves with a patented air regulation technology that improves combustion and leads to increased efficiency and reduced smoke. Thus, the improved cookstoves need 50-60% less firewood, require 50% less time to cook, and reduce black carbon emissions responsible for respiratory issues associated with indoor air pollution by 40%. Lower fuel wood consumption results in lower CO₂ emissions and a reduced deforestation rate.

Furthermore, the reduced need for firewood allows women and children to regain time otherwise used to collect wood. This time can be used for homework or to improve overall livelihoods. The project also supports the communities in investing resources and efforts into developing sustainable homestay tourism for the nearby national parks to create additional income sources.

The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future".
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