CarbonCure's Sustainable Concrete Solution


Carbon Removal

Technology-based Carbon Removal

CarbonCure's carbon removal technology offers verifiable and scalable climate benefits for concrete, a hard-to-abate industry. To do this, recycled CO₂ is injected into concrete, where it is mineralized and permanently stored, allowing producers to make less carbon intense concrete.

CarbonCure's Sustainable Concrete Solution

CarbonCure manufactures an award-winning carbon removal technology for the concrete industry that offers permanent, verifiable, and scalable carbon removals and reductions for the concrete industry, a hard-to-decarbonize sector that accounts for about 7% of global CO₂ emissions.

Through CarbonCure's technology, captured CO₂ is injected into concrete, where it chemically converts into a mineral permanently removing the carbon from the atmosphere. In addition to permanently storing carbon, this process strengthens the concrete and enables a reduction in cement use, the most carbon-intensive element of concrete. This allows producers to make the same high-quality concrete with a more sustainable footprint.

These technologies are currently being used in hundreds of concrete production plants across 30 countries and have generated over 300,000 tons of CO₂ savings to date. CarbonCure’s technology won the grand prize in the $20 million NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE competition, where it was selected as the most scalable breakthrough technology to convert CO₂ emissions into usable products.

The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future".
Price Range
We keep a public record of all receipts of payment we've received from our project partners.
Verified Carbon Standard
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