Carbon Avoidance
Clean Drinking Water and Efficient Cookstoves
To reduce CO₂ and fight deforestation in Madagascar, the project supports the manufacturing and distribution of climate-friendly cookers. Raising pupils' awareness about environmental protection and climate-friendly cooking. This project also commits to planting a seed for each cookstove sold.
The Swiss-Madagascan organization ADES (Association pour le Développement de l'Energy Solaire) has been producing solar cookers in Madagascar since 2002 and selling them at a reduced price to local households. Since 2010, the project has expanded its activities to the entire island and included also efficient cookstove models that perfectly complement the use of solar cookers if the sun is not shining. Today ADES offers a portfolio of nine different solar and efficient cook stove models for households as well as for institutional and commercial clients such as schools, children's homes and hospitals. The project operates stove production and distribution centres all over the island to serve customers all over Madagascar. Since 2017 a truck has been on the road serving as a mobile promotional and information centre in primarily rural areas in the north of Madagascar.
The climate-friendly cookers save up to 50 per cent of charcoal or firewood consumption resulting invaluable monetary savings for the household’s budget or time savings and less frequent gathering of firewood. Especially women and children benefit from the zero-emission solar cookers or cleaner combustion of efficient cookers due to less exposure to smoke during cooking. The dissemination of efficient and solar cook stoves is an effective means to combat the quickly advancing deforestation in Madagascar and to reduce CO₂ emissions from the use of non-renewable biomass. Additionally, ADES finances one tree for reforestation each time a cook stove gets sold.
The solar cookers are ideal to prepare traditional Madagascan food such as rice, corn, manioc, meat soup or chicken. However, this new way of cooking requires a change of cooking habits. For this ADES carries out special training and awareness building programmes to ensure appropriate and convenient use of the solar cooking technology.